Tamil Nadu launches coastal restoration mission to promote blue economy


Chennai: Tamil Nadu government on Thursday lunched “TN Coastal Restoration Mission” in collaboration with World Bank’s assistance of Rs 1675 crores over the next 5 years.

The aim of the mission to bolster coastal resilience and rejuvenate coastal ecosystems across the state. The announcment was made by the Addl Chief Secretary Environment Climate Change & Forests, of Tamil Nadu Supriya Sahu on social media post X.

Supriya Sahu said that “This will be the first of its kind mission to focus on climate resilient Blue Green economy with coastal communities and the fourth Mission mode programme of GOTN after the Green Mission, Wetlands Mission and the Climate Mission to be steered by the Green Climate Company of GOTN”.

“TN has issued orders for launch of the TN Coastal Mission. A  Special Purpose Vehicle the”Tamil Nadu Blue Carbon Agency”is being set up to ensure focused attention on preservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems, including Mangroves,Corals, Seagrass and Salt Marshes” she added.

It also promotes sustainable tourism and fosters a blue economy, a model for sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs

The Tamil Nadu Green Climate Company will monitor the mission, guided by a High Powered Steering Committee led by the chief secretary, with members from various governmental departments.

The District Climate Change Missions will implement the project at the local level, ensuring a well-rounded approach to the mission’s objectives.

The state government has already undertaken several projects under the TN Coastal restoration Mission, as follows:- Sea Turtle Conservation Centres at Nagapattinam and Chennai, International Dugong Conservation Centre at Manora,Thanjavur,  Pallikaranai Conservation Centre and Restoration of the Marshland at Chennai,  Mangroves, Seagrass, and Blue Carbon solutions, Erosion control and Coral restoration at Kariyachalli Islands, Gulf of Mannar  , Blue Flag Beaches, Arresting Marine plastic pollution , Climate Smart Coastal Villages and Ennore Creek Restoratio.

The coastline of Tamil Nadu is located on the southeast coast of Indian Peninsula, and forms a part of Coromandel Coast of Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. It is 1,076 km long and is the second longest coastline in the country after Gujarat.


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