Tarun Kodnani, co-founder, Flowace
This World Environment Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on the positive environmental effects of hybrid working. With the Covid-19 pandemic changing our daily routines, many of us have adapted to a hybrid work model, alternating between working in the office and
working from home. Interestingly, this type of work arrangement can lead to a decrease in our carbon footprints, and thus, can make a meaningful contribution towards mitigating the climate crisis.
Impact of daily commute
A five day commute to work leads to the largest carbon footprint. Interestingly, there will be no transport-related emissions for a work-from-home scenario. Such a relief right? Now, the ones who commute daily to their offices can vouch for how exhausting it is, especially in
metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi NCR, Chennai, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
Should a hybrid work model be implemented, the time wasted in daily commute is efficiently well utilised by catching up on that extra hour of sleep or spending quality time with family and friends & both highly contribute to increase in productivity. Besides, hybrid model is beneficial in reducing emissions as it allowed workers to reduce their commute.
Reducing transportation emissions is vital, and one effective way to achieve this is by encouraging more people to use public transportation. Carpooling, switching to electric vehicles, or even using a bicycle instead of a car can significantly contribute to reducing the
carbon footprint. We can also promote sustainable commuting habits and hybrid working models to further reduce emissions and work towards a greener future.
Win-Win for Work-life Balance
Aside from the environmental benefits, hybrid working models also improve employee wellbeing and provide a better work-life balance. Both underworking and overworking are bad for the human body. When you have flexible working hours and can work remotely, you
can balance your professional and personal lives better.
This work model allows for greater flexibility, enabling employees to manage their time more effectively and reduce the stress associated with long commutes. Employees can lead healthier, more productive lives, while simultaneously reducing their carbon footprints.
Tracking productivity impact
Many companies from various industries are motivating their staff to participate in the sustainability movement. The way of working plays a critical role in this aspect. As we progress, businesses must strike a balance by embracing a hybrid approach.
Drop in effort due to hybrid work is common.
However, with the right set of productivity measurement tools, this can be fully curbed. The main reason we fear going hybrid is employee moonlighting. But this too can be countered with the right productivity enhancement AI based tools. One just has to evaluate what to pick.
With its accurate in-depth people analytics, there are tools to help make the right decisions for boosting productivity and transforming the dynamics of employee productivity and well- being.
The tool is putting AI into the hands of every worker, enabling them to automate their routine tasks and focus on high-value work. It allows employers to study employee activity across digital devices and integrates all the employee activity on a dashboard for better analyses of productivity.
Truth be told, true definition of flexible work is about choice, flexibility and complete autonomy to decide working from which location makes you more productive whether it’s your home, office, co-working space or a small hut facing the mountains in Shimla.
Organisations can achieve significant carbon savings by re-evaluating their traditional productivity measurement models and emphasising the importance of hybrid working models. This will help mitigate the environmental impacts of daily commutes. It’s high time that we take necessary steps to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices.