India will provide science and innovation-based solutions to deal ocean pollution: Jitendra Singh


New Delhi: Minister of State in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh said that India will provide the much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action to “Save our Ocean and Protect the Future”.

His remarks came on the eve of 5-day UN Ocean Conference beginning today in which more than 130 countries are participating Conference at Lisbon from 27th of June to 1st of July 2022.

The Minister also held a pre-conference meeting with Indian delegates and Embassy officials to assess the preparation by the Indian side and to deliberate on the stand to be taken by the Indian delegation on various issues likely to be raised at the meet.

The Minister said India will take active take part in deliberations and suggest solutions on issues like marine pollution, promoting and strengthening sustainable ocean-based economies, managing, protecting, conserving and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems, managing and addressing ocean acidification, deoxygenation and ocean warming and making fisheries sustainable.

He added that this will require major structural transformations and common shared solutions that are anchored in SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Dr Jitendra Singh will deliver the Keynote address at the UN Conference on the theme “Scaling up Ocean Action based on Science and Innovation for the implementation of Goal 14: Stocktaking, Partnerships and Solutions”.

The confernce will be hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal. Dr Jitendra Singh said, under PM Narendra Modi, India would be providing science and innovation-based solutions for the implementation of Goal 14 through partnerships and environmentally friendly solutions.

” India has well established collaboration and partnerships with UN Agencies and Research Institutions for bridging the methodology and data gaps on SDG indicators and working towards UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, 2021–2030, for clean, healthy, productive, predictive, safe and accessible ocean” he said.

At the end of deliberations, the Conference will adopt, by consensus, a brief, concise, action-oriented and inter-governmentally agreed declaration focusing on, and highlighting, the science-based and innovative areas of action to support the implementation of Goal 14 and a report containing the co-chairs’ summaries of the interactive dialogues.


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