New Delhi: At least 41 people are reported missing in cloudburst incidents in Himachal Pradesh on Thursday. As per the reports there has been significant damage reported in Shimla and Mandi districts due to heavy rain and cloudbursts at three locations last night.
In the Jhakhri area of Rampur subdivision in Shimla district, a cloudburst at Samej Khad near the hydro project caused havoc at midnight.
According to latest information, 36 people are reported missing. Deputy Commissioner Anupam Kashyap has said, the Rampur subdivision administration, along with teams from NDRF, CISF, and Home Guards, has started rescue operation.
He said, list of 36 missing people has been prepared, and efforts are being made to locate and rescue them. SDM Nishant Tomar is supervising the rescue efforts at the incident site.
In the Chohar Valley of Mandi district, heavy rains led to floods that damaged several houses in Tikkan Thalthu Khod. People fled to the forest for safety, with about five individuals reported missing.
Mandi’s District Magistrate Apoorv Devgan is supervising the relief and rescue operations. He has has ordered all educational institutions in the affected Padhar block to remain closed today.
All educational institutions and anganwadi centers in Karsog subdivision will also be closed today. The water level in the Beas River at Pandoh Dam has crossed the danger mark, and excess water is being released from the dam.
The administration has issued warnings to the nearby areas to stay alert. In Malana of Kullu district, the dam of Power Project-1 has burst, causing extensive damage.
In Bhuntar and surrounding areas, heavy floods in the Parvati River have triggered alerts. The rising river swept away a four-story vegetable market building at Shat in the Manikaran Valley.
Several houses were washed away by floods in Bagipul of Kullu district also. All educational institutions in Nirmand will remain closed today due to heavy rains.
The Chandigarh-Manali National Highway is also closed near Raison and Klath due to landslides.
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