New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday, said that COP28 will also provide an opportunity to review progress made under the Paris Agreement, and chart a path for future course on climate action.
In a departure statement, ahead of his visit to UAE for World Climate Action Summit, PM Modi said that “I am happy to see that this significant event is being held under the Presidency of the UAE, which has been an important partner for India in the field of climate action”
PM Modi to visit Dubai, to attend the World Climate Action Summit of the COP-28 at the invitation of H.H. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of UAE.
“In keeping with our civilizational ethos, India has always emphasized climate action even as we pursue social and economic development” PM Modi said.
The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference which kicked off on Friday will continue till 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) to discuss the effects of climate change, and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Prime Minister further said, “During our G20 Presidency, climate was high on our priority”.
“The New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration includes numerous concrete steps on climate action and sustainable development. I look forward to the COP-28 taking forward the consensus on these issues” he said.
Prime Minister Modi also called upon the developed nations to support developing countries with adequate climate financing and technology transfer.
“They must have access to equitable carbon and development space to achieve sustainable development” he added. Modi said, “India has walked the talk when it comes to climate action”
“Our achievements in different sectors like renewable energy, energy efficiency, afforestation, energy conservation, Mission LiFE are testament to the commitment of our people towards mother Earth” he added.
” I am looking forward to joining special events including on climate finance, Green Credit initiative and LeadIT” he said.